Ahead of its August 16 theatrical release in Japan, the prequel anime film “Touken Ranbu Kai –Douden Chikashi Samuraira Umonora–” has unveiled a new character trailer featuring Tsurumaru Kuninaga, voiced by Soma Saito (Miyano in “Sasaki and Miyano”).
Additional character trailers will be released daily throughout the week.
Based on the original work by DMM GAMES and NITRO PLUS, the film is directed by Kazuya Ichikawa at the animation studio Domerica. The script is written by Kenichi Suemitsu, character designs are by Mari Takada, and music is composed by Ryunosuke Kasai.
Crunchyroll is currently streaming “Touken Ranbu Kai Kyoden” and describes the story as follows:
In the year 2205 A.D., malevolent forces invade the past, threatening to change history. A judge summons four swordsmen, each armed with blades blessed by a Shinto priest, to protect the past and secure the future. Loyal to their former master, the demon king Oda Nobunaga, the swordsmen travel back to Honnoji Temple, the site of his murder. Will they be able to thwart evil and preserve history? Only time will tell.